Pharmacies emergency services
our Emergency Service is intended to manage Your issues in processing urgent requests, in order to ensure therapeutic continuity, pursuant to art.105 , paragraph 4, of the Legislative Decree No 219 / 2006.
To take advantage of the service, it is mandatory to fill in the online form in the relevant parts.
Here you have to enter all the information concerning the requested products and the details of at least three wholesalers active at regional level, that you have contacted and who couldn’t fulfil your order. Please states if you reported the issue to the competent Authority pursuant to art. 105, paragraph 3-bis of the Legislative Decree No 219 /2006.
This information can be shared with the wholesalers of the companies owning the pharmaceuticals covered by the service, with the Subject in charge of the service, with the responsible authority, if applicable.
For the purpose of this Emergency Service, only the requests accompanied by the above mentioned form duly filled in can be processed.
This Service is exclusively aimed at meeting an emergency due to the non-availability of product at the wholesalers and can’t create any legitimate expectation nor any practice concerning future supplying to the pharmacy. In the event of a valid emergency request pursuant to art. I 05, paragraph 4, of the Legislative Decree No 219/2006, the delivery will be carried out within 48 hours from our verification and acceptance of Your request in accordance with the above mentioned legal provisions. In this regard, we engage ourselves to carry out the relevant verifications and reply to your requests (accepting them or declaring them compliant with the above said legal provisions) within 1 business day from the reception of the request.
After the acceptance of Your request, the product will be delivered to You and invoiced directly by GR Farma or a designated wholesaler.